
Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Rosemary Meatballs

I feel like we've been constantly apologizing for the lack of posts lately. Odessa is writing an honours thesis, I'm taking science courses for the first time since high school, so we basically haven't been cooking.

Being on a diet of Starbucks, Sinfully Asian sushi (McGillians will understand), Larabars, and steamed frozen vegetables is starting to seem a little pathetic, so I've been doing my best lately to actually make meals for myself amid the chaos.

Tonight I came home from a long day of meetings, class, study sessions, and my first gym day in a week (ugh). I decided I had earned a decent meal. Enter: all the meat I have in my freezer and promised myself I would eat. I have so much ground beef, so I decided to make spaghetti and meatballs, something I have (shockingly) never made before!

Also I kind of lied because this is actually not spaghetti, but a mixture of the last bits of whole wheat fettucini and rotini... College lyfe.
Where did I go to get the how-to on a new cooking endeavor? Obbbviously Martha Stewart! I altered this a little (predominantly in quantity and cooking method), but stuck to the main ingredients. I made about half what the recipe recommended and produced about 12 meatballs.

You'll Need:

  • 16 oz. ground beef (mine was organic and local as always!)
  • 1 1/2 c. Panko
  • 1 large egg white
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • Fresh rosemary
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • A few dashes of salt and pepper
This is me making pasta. Exciting, exciting stuff.
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees C and prepare a baking sheet lined with foil
  • Combine all ingredients and mix in meat
  • Shape into equal sized rounds
  • Place rounds on baking sheet and cook for approximately 15-20 minutes, checking at least every 10 to see if they are still pink
  • Once cooked through, remove and serve over your favourite whole wheat pasta and light tomato sauce
I still feel weird saying that meat looks good, but this looks good right?

This recipe was delicious! I think it may have tasted even better considering my lack of effort in the kitchen as of late. I somewhat regret not putting any vegetables in this, but I had some carrots while I was cooking soooo.... baby steps back to normal eating, right?

Hopefully we'll be back soon! My midterms are FINALLY over this coming Monday, so I'm planning to have lots more yummy recipes to share after that.

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