
Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Pizza is the best food pretty much ever, right? But, it's so high cal, greasy, and only reserved for cheat days, right? WRONG!

We're not telling you to call up Pizza Pizza everyday; we're telling you to make this:
With a recipe from Lauren Conrad (Caitlin's hero), you can never feel guilty about having a slice or two ever again!

Ingredients: For the crust: 
-1 cup riced cauliflower (either grated or chopped very finely in a food processor)
-1 cup shredded low-fat mozzarella cheese (any cheese would probably be good though)
-1 egg
-spices of your choice (it's nice with oregano)

For the toppings (what we used):
-a thin layer of pesto
-a couple handfulls of spinach
-1 chopped tomato
-crumbled feta
-a sprinkling of green olives

-Preheat oven to 450 and grease a baking pan (DO NOT JUST USE TINFOIL! We learned the hard way that it's a little sticky...)
-Mix all the crust ingredients together in a bowl and spread into a circle on your baking sheet
-Bake for 15 minutes and remove
-Add toppings (get creative with these; we just used what we had on hand - picture this topped with tomato sauce and roasted veggies, totally gonna do that next time)
-Place back in the oven for about 10 minutes
-Take it out and split it with a friend (or hoard your delicious leftovers, either way)

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